
We meet and excel Standard Compliance expected in IT Management

HIPAA & HITECH Compliance Services

GebhardCS'' on demand approach to IT security and compliance enables organizations of all sizes to successfully achieve both vulnerability management and policy compliance initiatives cohesively, while reducing costs and streamlining operations. Using an innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) approach, the GebhardCS' Security and Compliance Suite combines GebhardCS' industry leading vulnerability management service with a comprehensive IT compliance solution.

Compliance Website & Staff Portal

We will create a Compliance Website for your practice. Documentation, training videos, webinars, calendars, updates and office memos can be accessed in one secure location. All staff members can access the portal with their own unique login.

Jessica Lunsford Act

GebhardCS has its staff that need to access Federal School Systems screened meeting the  standards set forth in s. 1012.467, F.S.

(Please describe your enquiry in as much details as possible)